Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

What Happens If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident

What happens if you’ve been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence or fault?  The insurance company or companies representing the driver at fault will attempt to contact you as soon as possible to take a statement, start the process of  attempting to limit the value of your claims, and, sometimes, settle your injury claims.  In many cases they don’t even wait until you are out of the hospital.  These representatives known as “adjusters” are highly trained.  They will come off as extremely likeable and concerned for your welfare.  The truth is far from these appearances.

Insurance adjusters have one job: settle your claim for the lowest possible dollar amount as quickly as possible, and save money for the insurance company.  They know the faster they can get you to accept a settlement the more likely it is you will accept far less than you are entitled to receive under Kentucky law.

This is why it is so important to contact the experienced and proven accident and injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington.  HLH attorneys have extensive experience and are highly recommended by the legal industry as well as our clients.  We work to protect your interests and ensure you receive maximum compensation for all that has happened, as well as the care and financial support you will need in the future.

Kentucky law entitles you to recover for your present medical expenses as well as the cost of future treatment and care.  You should also receive reimbursement for lost wages and pain of having to endure your injuries and experience of recovery.  In serious accidents resulting in permanent injury modifications may be required at your home, office and in your vehicles.

This is why it is important not to settle too quickly.  The truth is the first offers from insurance adjusters are far too low.  We invite you to contact HLH for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701 to discuss what happens if you’ve been injured in a car accident and how we can help you to recover every penny you deserve.  We hold those responsible financially accountable for all that has happened to you, so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries and getting back into your daily life.