Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Can the Family of a Passenger Hold a Driver Responsible for a Wrongful Death?

Can the family of a passenger hold a driver responsible for a wrongful death after a fatal car accident?    Here in Kentucky, a “wrongful death” is the result of the loss of a life due to the negligence of another person – in this case, a driver.

These cases can be quite trying for the family.  The attorneys of Hargadon, Lenihan and Herrington (HLH) have decades of experience with wrongful death cases.  These cases are obviously emotionally devastating for the family, but they also require sound legal counsel and a measure of endurance.  For example, when the driver responsible for loss of life faces criminal charges such as a DUI or vehicular manslaughter, there are legal effects to the wrongful death claim which may arise.

Fatal accidents are so sudden, and no one is ever prepared to lose a loved one in a car accident or truck collision.  The most important thing for the family is to be present for one another to console and strengthen one another.  However, it is important for the wrongful death case should be filed as soon as possible following the accident.  This allows HLH attorneys to interview and preserve witness statements while memories are still clear and fresh.  Working with HLH  relieves your family of the many burdens associated with insurance and legal matters.  HLH wrongful death attorneys will handle all communications with insurance representatives and legal representatives on behalf of your family.  This allows you to focus on one another, and supporting one another through this sudden and traumatic loss.

How can the family of a passenger hold a driver responsible for a wrongful death after a fatal accident?    If you have lost a family member in a fatal car, truck or motorcycle accident we invite you to contact HLH, or call for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701.  There is no cost to your family out of pocket as we work on a contingency fee basis.  HLH will investigate the situation thoroughly and ultimately hold responsible parties accountable for your family’s tragic loss.