Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

HLH Fights for Our Clients to Hold Responsible Drivers Financially Accountable

While most Kentucky drivers understand we all share responsibility for safety on the road, far too many make decisions which have serious consequences.  Many Louisville area drivers still tend to go to fast, fail to properly yield in intersections and even drive while under the influence.  HLH fights for our clients to hold responsible drivers financially accountable in Louisville motor vehicle accidents.

Contacting the experienced accident and personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH) not only relieves you of all the time and hassle associated with an insurance claim.  We work to maximize the amount of the financial settlement or verdict in your case while negotiating with your medical providers to reduce what is owed for your treatment.  The providers know our attorneys are held to the highest legal standards and this increases the likelihood they will receive payment for their services.

HLH injury attorneys each have decades of experience handling personal injury claims which arise out of motor vehicle accidents.  We know how to hold insurance companies fully accountable based on the scope of their policies and the nature of your injuries.  When necessary we have the proven trial skills to successfully explain what has happened to a jury so they can understand what you’ve been through and help to ensure you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve.

The legal industry has recognized our trial skills, responsiveness and positive experiences of our clients as well as the substantial jury verdicts and settlements we have achieved on behalf of our clients.  We invite you to review these awards as well as the recommendations of our clients and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our seasoned personal injury attorneys.   Ask how HLH fights for our clients to hold responsible drivers financially accountable and why there are no up front costs to you out of pocket (as we work on a contingency fee basis).