Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Broken Bones and Fractures are Common in Louisville Car Accidents

Broken bones and fractures are common in Louisville car accidents.  According to the Kentucky State Police, speed is one of the major factors associated with injury car accidents.  The forces associated with the jarring deceleration of the body which occurs in any collision have the force to cause fractures and broken bones, even at lower speeds.

How do broken bones usually occur in a car accident?  Tensing up immediately prior to a hit puts immediate tension on the bones throughout the body as muscles contract in anticipation.  Injuries involving fractures are the result of a variety of causes including, but not limited to:

What Broken Bones and Fractures are Common in Louisville Car Accidents?

Broken Ribs are one of the most common injuries in a motor vehicle accident.  Ribs are forced to absorb a lot of the impact of any accident, and can even be broken by contact with a seat belt or air bag.

Fibula or Tibia fractures are more common in head-on collisions and accidents which compress the leg compartment of the vehicle.

Hip and pelvis fractures are also quite common, especially in side impact and intersection related accidents and motorcycle crashes.

Fractured vertebrae and related disk injuries in the back and neck are more common in head-on and rear end impacts.

Skull fractures and broken facial bones are the result of impact with the side support of the vehicle, the window or windshield and often are the result of the failure to use safety restraints.

If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident we invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  While broken bones and fractures are common in Louisville car accidents, they are not usually life threatening.  However broken bones and fractures can sideline a person from work and leisure pursuits.  The pain and suffering associated with broken bones and the recovery from these injuries can be quite severe.  Our skilled, experienced personal injury attorneys work to ensure you receive full and fair compensation for these injuries.