Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Traffic Fatalities Are Up 14.4% in the Past Two Years

According to a recent article by Bloomberg traffic fatalities are up 14.4% in the past two years here in the United States.  The total number of miles driven by Americans has only increased 2.2% over this period.  The number of deaths attributed to speed and DUI drivers has held steady as well.  So what do the experts think is contributing to the increased number of fatal accidents and wrongful deaths?

More than 85% of Americans have a smart phone, and accidents attributed to cell phone use and distracted driving have substantially increased.  Many motorists use hands-free technology to have safer phone conversations while driving.  However, the distraction of a phone call as well as the use of our cell phones to text, email and track social media can distract our eyes from the road for 5 seconds, or longer.

It is also interesting to note there has been a substantial increase in the number of fatal accidents involving pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists.  Each of these groups with whom we share the road are smaller than another vehicle and easier to miss.  These groups also have much less protection from the weight and force of a motor vehicle in an accident resulting in serious injuries and wrongful death.  The number of pedestrian deaths alone have risen by more than 22% in the past two years of the study.

The fact that traffic fatalities are up 14.4% in the past two years seems to be significantly related more to distracted driving and cell phone use.  HLH recommends silencing your cell phone and placing it out of reach when you climb behind the wheel.  The injuries and wrongful death which can result from a short distraction are not worth the interruption.  If its important, perhaps you should consider pulling over before consulting your cell phone.

If you or someone you love has been injured or lost their life in a car accident, truck collision or motorcycle crash we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation today.