Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Worn or Neglected Tires Increase the Risk of Louisville Car Accidents

The American Automobile Association or AAA recommends all Kentuckians should check their tires in preparation for fall and winter.  Worn or neglected tires increase the risk of Louisville car accidents and resulting serious injuries.  Try the simple “penny tread” test.  Insert a penny with Lincoln’s head upside down and facing you.  If you can see all of Lincoln’s head your tread is below 2/32nd of an inch and you should replace your tires.

If the tread on your tires is worn down it can increase stopping distances by more than 100 feet at 60 miles per hour.  This is one-third the length of a football field and is the difference between easily and safely avoiding a Louisville car accident or running into the back of another vehicle resulting in serious injuries to you and others with whom you share the road.

Worn or neglected tires increase the risk of Louisville car accidents due to handling issues as well.  Reduced tire treads affect your ability to manage turns and curves at speed, especially in wet or icy weather.  This reduces the ability to control your car by more than 30% and AAA reports almost 800,000 motor vehicle collisions occur each year in the US due to driving on wet roads with worn or neglected tires.

The experienced Louisville personal injury attorneys at HLH have witnessed the result of car accidents and truck collisions resulting from worn or neglected tires over our decades of service.  This is especially true for heavier commercial trucks, logging vehicles, coal trucks and semi-tractor trailers.

Many trucking companies purchase “re-treads” in an attempt to save operational costs.  Re-treads can separate from the original tire resulting in a catastrophic loss of control resulting in serious injuries or the wrongful death of another motorist or passenger.

AAA recommends all drivers to regularly check the tire pressure, at least once each month.  Under-inflated or over-inflated tires actually reduce fuel mileage and increase wear and tear on a tire.  Look for signs of erratic tread wear or separation of the tread from the tire itself.  Have your tires rotated regularly and you reduce the risk of worn or neglected tires as well as the risk of an accident resulting in injuries.