Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

The Holiday Season Contributes to Injury Accidents Which Result from Distracted Drivers

It is an extremely busy time of year for all of us.  There are parties and get togethers with family and friends, as well as extra errands and holiday shopping to complete.  The holiday season contributes to injury accidents which result from distracted drivers.  The first thing you should do when you get into your vehicle this month is to silence your cell phone and place it out of reach.

According to the Kentucky State Police, distracted driving has become one of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents which result in personal injury.  Distracted driving includes the consumption of food or drink, loud music, distracting interactions within the vehicle as well as cell phone activities such as texting, or consulting e-mail and social media.

A prominent national advertising campaign reminds us all that a distraction for only a few seconds to look away from the road at our cell phone or to reach for food and drink is enough to result in a serious car accident.

Many car accidents this month will occur at Louisville intersections.  It is important to be extra cautious as you enter any intersection, especially if you are turning left.  The high number of distracted drivers with whom you share the road will lead to many unexpected accidents as drivers hustle through a changing light.  Accidents at an intersection often result in more serious injuries as there is less protection for the occupants of a vehicle in a side-impact car accident.

The holiday season contributes to injury accidents which result from distracted drivers as well as those who are driving under the influence of alcohol or another substance.  There are many social and work-related events which involve “a few drinks.”  December is almost always one of the months with the highest number of DUI accidents across Kentucky (Source: Kentucky State Police).

Eliminate distractions before you start your vehicle.  Remind yourself that it is more important to focus intently on the road and other drivers until you safely reach your destination.  Eliminating distractions and increasing our vigilance will significantly the odds of a successful trip.