Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Are You More Likely to Lose Your Life in an Accident at Night

Are you more likely to lose your life in an accident at night?  According to a recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) traffic fatalities are three times higher after dark.  It is interesting to note this is in spite of the fact there is 60% less traffic on Louisville and Kentucky roads and highways after dark.

Motor vehicle accidents at night are usually caused by drivers who are under the influence, inclement weather, unfamiliar or poorly maintained roads, unexpected obstacles as well as the failure to see motorcyclists or pedestrians.

Some of the additional reasons you are more likely to lose your life in an accident at night include:

Night Vision – Many driver’s lose a degree of peripheral vision, color identification, and depth perception while driving at night.  It is easier to for the headlights of oncoming vehicles to make it hard to see the road and obstacles which may lie ahead.

Animals – Animal activity including deer and other nocturnal animals increases after sunset.  Deer and even family pets may be more of a risk in the three hours after sunset, but other animals such as raccoons, skunks and opossum are active all night long.

Circadian Rhythms – most people tend to be more tired as the day goes on.  By evening fatigued driving or falling asleep at the wheel significantly increase.

While you are more likely to lose your life in an accident at night than during daylight hours there are many precautions you can take.  You should always make sure  your vehicle is properly maintained including clean and operable headlights, windshield wipers and windows.  Dim your dashboard lights and eliminate distractions such as information centers and other internal sources of light.  If an oncoming vehicle has particularly bright headlights, it may be helpful to look toward the white line on the right side of your lane to avoid temporary vision issues.

If you are injured or lose a loved one in an accident at night we invite you to contact us or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our attorneys personally for a free consultation.  If you intend to drive at night take extra precautions to ensure your own alertness and be particularly aware of the behavior of vehicles you approach or pass.