Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

What are the Leading Causes of Louisville Head On Accidents

What are the leading causes of Louisville head on accidents which result in injuries?  The Kentucky State Police provide detailed statistics into many aspects of Kentucky motor vehicle accidents at both a state and local level.  While there are many ways a person can be injured in a Louisville car accident the most devastating injuries and loss of life occur often occur in head on accidents.

What are the leading causes of Louisville head on accidents and what can you do to reduce the odds you will be injured in head on accident?

Cell Phone Use and Distracted driving – The use of a cell phone while driving and other distractions within the vehicle continue to be a common factor in head on motor vehicle collisions.  You may think it is ok to look away for a few moments to see an incoming text or to pick up some french fries which fell out of the bag.  Those few seconds are all it takes for your vehicle to drift a little over the center line and impact a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction.

DUI drivers – driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol continues to be one of the leading causes of Louisville head on accidents.  DUI drivers are unaware of the weaving of their car and may be passing in and out of consciousness.

Fatigued drivers may not carry the legal issues of a DUI, but they are actually almost as dangerous as an impaired driver.  Many studies have shown driving while drowsy is the same as the impairment of having a few drinks.

Failure to yield – some head on collisions occur when a vehicle is turning left and fails to yield to an oncoming motorist or obey traffic control devices within the intersection.

These are some of the leading causes of Louisville head on accidents which result in injuries.  If you or someone you love has been injured in a Louisville car accident we invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our experienced injury attorneys for a free consultation.