Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

FELA Railroad Accidents

Louisville Railroad Accident Attorneys

Railroad accidents are usually serious, often resulting in catastrophic injuries or death. At Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, we are experienced in handling the complexities of railroad accident cases, and can assist you in pursuing actions against all liable parties including railroad companies, municipalities or other workers. We represent clients against CSX Transportation, BNSF Railway, R.J. Corman, Canadian National Railway and other freight carriers. When you need experienced legal assistance, contact Louisville’s oldest personal injury firm.

Railroad accidents can involve complex federal regulations, multiple defendants and extensive investigations. Our Louisville railroad accident lawyers effectively investigate and work with the right experts to quickly gather the evidence we will need to pursue your case.

Railroad employee injuries: Individuals working for the railroad are protected by FELA (the Federal Employers Liability Act), which regulates the railroad industry and employees.

When workers are injured in a railroad accident, they are afforded additional claims and protections. We are experienced in FELA claims and will fully advocate on your behalf to ensure that you recover the compensation you deserve.

Common railroad injuries include:

Injuries to pedestrians and automobile accidents: In addition to worker injuries, individuals could be injured on a railroad if they were on foot or in a vehicle. We are experienced in working with experts in railroad accidents and can represent you in your claim. The accident may have resulted from a failure to maintain the track or gates or a negligent railroad company. We will investigate your accident to quickly identify all negligent actors.

Improper signage: Many railroad accidents occur because the crossings are malfunctioning or signage is improper. If you or someone you love was injured as the result of improper signage, our attorneys will identify every responsible party and pursue claims on your behalf.

We understand the history and safety measure procedures of railroad associations and other regulations. Our team of railroad accident attorneys can investigate to determine whether an employer or railroad worker may be at fault.

Contact A Kentucky FELA Claim Lawyer

Contact Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington to learn about your legal options following a railway accident. Call today for a FREE initial consultation at (502) 583-9701 or toll-free at (866) 583-9701.

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