Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Improper Hiring and Inadequate Driver Training

Most Truck Crashes Are Not “Accidental”

You probably have many questions going through your mind if you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries in an accident. If the accident involved a commercial truck, one of those questions may be “who is at fault”? The answer may surprise you.Some of the more common reasons for trucking accidents involve the actions of a negligent truck driver, but the reasons for an accident can often trace all the way back to the trucking company’s hiring process and training programs, or lack thereof.Is it possible the driver who caused your injuries should never have been behind the wheel to begin with? Or that he or she was not properly trained? Our attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington can determine who is at fault and pursue compensation from all available sources, primarily the multimillion-dollar insurance policies of trucking companies.

Poor Hiring and Inadequate Driver Training Leads To Poor Outcomes

Trucking companies should not and cannot make poor hires, or provide inadequate driver training and then claim no responsibility for accidents and injuries. Our experienced Kentucky trial lawyers will make sure their claims fail to grain traction, and ensure you receive the financial resources you need to cover your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost earnings and other damages.

Don’t Settle For Less. Contact Our Louisville Firm.

You have found the experienced, knowledgeable attorneys you need on your side. Contact us today or call for a for a FREE, no-obligation consultation at (866) 583-9701. We handle truck accident cases in Kentucky and nationwide.

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