Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Hauling Equipment Injuries

Injured While Hauling At Work? We Can Help.

Kentucky is home to extensive mining operations, and there is a need to haul coal to train stations, river barges and other means of transportation. Hauling goods and equipment can expose workers to injuries, particularly when encountering negligent drivers or defective equipment.

At Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, we are focused on making sure that injured workers in Kentucky have the resources they need to heal and provide for their families. If an injury sustained while hauling is leaving you facing an uncertain future, you can rely on us to explain your rights and make sure achieve the outcome you deserve.

Were You Injured By Equipment?

Equipment can malfunction for a number of reasons, including a failed design, lack of safety equipment and defective parts. Safe equipment operated by a negligent individual can also result in serious injury and death. If you have been injured due to the negligence of another, we can pursue personal injury damages such as pain and suffering in addition to workers’ compensation benefits for wage loss and medical expenses.

Were You Injured On The Road?

If you were injured on the road due to a negligent driver, we will pursue a personal injury claim against that third party while simultaneously handling your workers’ compensation case. The sooner our lawyers can begin investigating the accident and collecting evidence, the sooner you will receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Are You Ready? Call Us Today.

You do not have to settle for anything less than you deserve, and we’ll see to it. Contact our Louisville firm today to arrange a FREE, no-obligation consultation with an attorney.

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