Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Help With Your Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ Compensation Claims

Eligible Kentucky workers, unless they have waived coverage, may be able to receive benefits after a work-related injury. The Kentucky workers’ compensation program exists to provide medical care, partial wage replacement and help returning to work after an on-the-job injury. It also provides for a lump sum payment to an employee’s estate if he or she dies because of a work-related injury.

This all sounds straightforward, but the reality can be quite difficult.The insurance companies that provide coverage to employers for injuries to their workers try very hard to limit the medical treatment and amount of money they pay to injured workers.They make all kinds of arguments in pursuit of their goal to minimize payouts. First, they say that an employee’s injury was not work-related, or that the condition was pre-existing. Second, they allege that the worker did not seek medical care from the right provider. In short, many employers and their insurance companies do whatever it takes to minimize payments to injured workers. The result can be growing medical bills and no income to pay them.

An Attorney Can Help

That is why it is very important to have the help of a Kentucky workers’ compensation lawyer. At Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, in Louisville, Kentucky, our attorneys help injured workers fight for benefits under Kentucky workers’ compensation. To learn how we can help you, give us a call to schedule a FREE initial consultation. It is important to act soon, as there may be limits on how long you have to file a claim.

What You Can Expect From A Successful Workers’ Comp Claim

A successful workers’ compensation claim can result in a worker receiving some or all of these major work injury benefits:

  • Medical treatment
  • Temporary total disability benefits to replace lost income
  • Permanent disability benefits if the worker becomes permanently disabled, either partly or completely
  • Retraining if the worker is unable to perform his or her previous work

Some additional benefits are available under Kentucky law. Furthermore, you may be eligible to seek additional compensation through a third-party injury lawsuit against a party other than your employer. An attorney can help you determine your options after an injury on the job.

You Can Afford An Attorney For A Work Injury Claim

Some employees fail to apply for all the benefits to which they are entitled because they are afraid of being fired. Retaliating against an employee for seeking injury benefits is against the law. Employers are much less likely to try this strategy if they know an employee is working with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer.

Another reason why workers sometimes hesitate to get legal help after an injury is their belief that they cannot afford the cost of hiring a lawyer. That is not true for two reasons. First, if we do not obtain benefits for you, you do not owe us any attorney’s fees. Second, Kentucky law limits how much we can charge for a workers’ compensation claim, and it is based on a percentage of the benefits we are able to obtain for you.

Contact Our Louisville Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

If you have questions about a workers’ compensation claim, find out how we can help. Give us a call in Louisville at (502) 583-9701 or at (866) 583-9701. You may also contact us online.

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