Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Signs of Head Injury After an Accident May Take Weeks to Show Up

We have heard it many times in our decades of service in Kentucky accidents and injuries: “He almost seems like a different person at times.” Things appeared to be fine that day, but signs of head injury after an accident may take weeks to show up and be noticed by family and close friends.  Personality change after an accident which involved anything from hitting your head on the side window to serious head trauma is actually quite common.

Many people who have experienced a concussion or brain injury experience physical symptoms such as headaches, problems with balance and dizziness and even impaired memory.  Some changes may be quite subtle- such as mood changes.  It may be more difficult to keep your focus when you have been interrupted during a task.  One may become more easily irritated by distractions or interruptions.

We are learning a lot about brain injury from returning veterans.  There have been more than 280,000 traumatic brain injuries diagnosed among US troops since 2001, according to the Department of Defense.  The human brain and its connective neuro-networks are quite intricate.  There are no single locations in the brain which control emotion, no specific neurological sectors for happiness or pleasure.  Mood changes, and even subtle changes in how a person may have previously filtered conversation may be noticeable.

Simple tasks like going to the grocery may become to complex to process.  An outgoing person may become more introverted.  The most important take away here is that it takes time to truly understand the impact of head injury after an accident and this is why it is important to speak with the experienced and proven attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan and Herrington – Louisville’s most established personal injury law firm.

We have managed many car accident and truck crash cases involving head injuries from mild to severe. (See Verdict and Settlement?) We can help you to understand the process while ensuring that any insurance settlement provides for the medical attention and physical and occupational therapy required to fully recover.  If an insurance company isn’t treating our client’s claims seriously we are fully prepared to take the case before a Kentucky jury in order to get the best possible outcome for our clients.

We invite you to contact the experienced attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan and Herrington – Louisville’s most established personal injury law firm for a free consultation at (502) 583-9701.