Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

There are Usually Several Parties Responsible for Your Injuries in a Truck Accident

Truck accident injury and wrongful death cases are quite legally complex.  There are usually several parties responsible for your injuries in a truck accident and the attorneys at Hargadon Lenihan & Herrington (HLH) work to hold them financially accountable for all that has happened to you.  Federal, State and local regulations and laws govern the operation of a commercial truck.  There are strict laws regarding the actions of truck drivers as well as the maintenance and safety associated with the truck and its load.

The parties responsible for your injuries in a truck accident can include, but are not limited to:

Each of these parties is often represented by their own insurance company.  HLH attorneys thoroughly investigate the actions of all associated with the truck as well as the condition and maintenance history of the truck itself.   Truck accidents often result in serious injuries resulting in permanent changes in the life of those who are injured.  We aggressively pursue the accountability and financial responsibility each party has associated with your injuries and seek the maximum possible recovery to cover all of your present and future medical expenses, lost wages, compensation for the pain and suffering you have been forced to go through as well as any modifications which might be required to your home or vehicles.

It may never be possible to return things to where they stood before the accident.  The experienced injury attorneys at HLH will hold all parties responsible for your injuries in a truck accident financially accountable to ensure you have the resources and medical care needed now and in the future.  We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact HLH or call for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701.