Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Herniated Discs and Other Back Injuries are Common in Motorcycle Accidents

While many motorcyclists wear protective clothing, Kevlar armor and a helmet, they are not protected by layers of metal, airbags and other protections provided by other motor vehicles.  Herniated discs and other back injuries are common in motorcycle accidents in Louisville and throughout Kentucky.

The vertebrae of your spinal column are separated by fluid-filled discs which provide a cushion between each vertebra.  They help to protect the spinal column.  The forces associated with a motorcycle accident can result in small micro-tears in these discs, commonly referred to as herniations.  Once a disc is ruptured in an accident, the internal fluid slowly begins to leak out over a period of days, weeks or even months.

Ultimately this causes the vertebrae to rub up against one another causing irritation and small alignment issues which cause pressure to the spinal column and the surrounding nerves.  In addition to immobilizing pain, these back and neck injuries can result in numbness and weakness in your extremities.

Herniated discs and other back injuries are often treated with substantial pain killers, treatments designed to supplant the support previously supplied by the discs and in many cases surgery.

While herniated discs and other back injuries are common in motorcycle accidents insurance companies often attempt to minimize the scope of the problem and the long-term financial consequences of the treatments injury victims will require in the future.

This is another reason why it is so important to contact the experienced accident and personal injury attorneys at HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  We aggressively fight to ensure our clients receive full and fair compensation for all of their injuries and the medical needs they need now and in the future.  This ensures our clients have the resources they will require to manage their injuries and move forward with their lives.