Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Recent Fatality of a Railroad Worker Another Example of the Dangers of Railroad Work

The recent fatality of a railroad worker in Texas is another example of the dangers of railroad work.  The case involved the loading process associated with railroad cars carrying sand and silica.  While the cars were being loaded they became detached from the other railroad cars, and they started to roll away on their own.  Ultimately several cars became derailed, and one of the railroad workers at the site was seriously injured- he ultimately succumbed to his injuries.

Railroad workers are involved in many potentially dangerous situations every work week.  Accidents in a rail yard or anywhere in the rail system often result in serious or catastrophic injuries resulting in the loss of a limb, paralysis or a wrongful death.  The Federal Employers Liability Act or FELA provides significant regulation of the railroad industry and provides additional protections to injured railroad workers.

The experienced accident and injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington have extensive experience with FELA injury claims.  We aggressively represent these clients to ensure they receive the full and fair compensation to which they are entitled.  We manage all types of FELA injury cases from broken bones and neck and back injuries to more serious complications such as Traumatic Brain Injury and crush injuries.

Railroad workers are not the only parties at risk around trains.  Many pedestrians and motor vehicle drivers are injured in accidents involving railroad cars and trains each year.  In some cases, the accident is the result of malfunctioning crossing gates or signals, or improper signage and other warnings.  If you or someone you love has been injured or lost their life in a railroad related accident you need to contact the experienced FELA and injury attorneys at HLH.

We have extensive experience with FELA injury claims and the dangers of railroad work.  We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and place your trust in a firm which has served Louisville and all of Kentucky since 1924.  Call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation and speak with one of our experienced attorneys to learn more.