Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Serious Injuries in Louisville Require Attorneys with Legal Skill and Medical Knowledge

If you are seriously injured in a car accident, truck or motorcycle accident or at work the selection of your personal injury attorney will make a substantial impact on the outcome of your case.  Serious injuries in Louisville require attorneys with legal skill and medical knowledge to ensure you receive full and fair compensation for what has happened.

The Louisville personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington (HLH) have more than 100 years of combined experience in personal injury cases involving serious injuries.  Our attorneys stay on top of the latest developments in personal injury and the associated medical information which supports a successful case.  One of our partners has been a member of the Brain Injury Foundation for many years.  This non-profit organization is dedicated to research and aid to brain injury victims.

We have decades of experience and training understanding the medical issues which underly a successful injury claim.  We have a proven track record at trial and know how to present complex medical information to a jury to ensure they understand the full implications of what has happened to you.

We help clients who have suffered serious injuries due to the negligence of others including, but not limited to:

HLH also represents clients who have suffered relatively minor injuries in a motor vehicle accident such as soft tissue injuries, concussion or knee injuries.

Serious injuries in Louisville require attorneys with legal skill and medical knowledge who have the experience and resources to stand up to insurance companies and their legal teams.  You only have one opportunity to resolve an injury claim, and the proceeds must provide for all past, present and future expenses associated with your injuries.

If you or someone you love have suffered serious injuries due to someone else’s negligence we invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation with an experienced injury attorney.  Learn how our legal skill, medical knowledge and trial experience will contribute to an excellent outcome in your case.