Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Dump Truck Driver Electrocuted at a Construction Site

We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent accident involving a dump truck driver electrocuted at a construction site in Fayette County.  The driver of the dump truck, an experienced construction worker since the age of 15, was moving debris at the construction site.  When he raised the back end of the truck to dump his load it came into contact with high voltage power lines and caught fire.  When he attempted to exit the truck he came into contact with the power lines and lost his life.  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other agencies are investigating the accident.

Construction related accidents are quite legally complex.  There may be many parties who contributed to the conditions and events which resulted in this construction workers loss of life.  Each party is usually covered by their own insurance and the lawyers representing the insurance companies aggressively work to reduce their exposure in these accidents.

The experienced and proven trial attorneys at HLH have the skill and resources required to stand up to these insurance companies and their legal teams.  We thoroughly investigate construction accidents involving the injury or wrongful death of our clients and identify all responsible parties who contributed to the accident.  We work to hold each financially accountable for what has happened to seek maximum compensation on behalf of our clients.

Construction accidents often result in injuries which have permanent consequences.  In these cases it is often necessary to prepare a “Life Care Plan” which helps a jury to clearly understand all of the past, present and future medical expenses as well as related costs to make modifications to an injury victim’s home or vehicle(s).

The case of the dump truck driver electrocuted at a construction site is a tragic reminder of the risks all construction workers face every day.  If you or someone you love is injured or loses their life in a construction accident we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation with one of our experienced injury attorneys.  There is no cost to you out of pocket as we work on a contingency fee basis.