Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Neck and Back Injuries Are Common in Auto Accidents

Neck and Back injuries are common in auto accidents due to the nature of the forces associated with the impact of a vehicle collision.  One of the most common (and widely misunderstood) injuries to the neck is whiplash.  Whiplash is basically strains or pulled muscles due to the sudden lashing of the head back and forth at impact.  Whiplash may take a few days to present symptoms, often including:

Symptoms from whiplash can interrupt the ability to work and may last for several months after the accident.

Another common back injury involves compression fractures in the spine.  Usually, the suspicion of a back injury will result in transport to a medical facility, though many car accident victims may only realize symptoms hours or days after the accident occurs.

Herniated discs in the spinal column often occur during an accident.  The discs between your vertebrae are filled with fluid to provide padding between the bones of your spinal column.  The forces of an accident may often result in small micro-tears which allow some of this fluid to seep out over time.  You may feel fine in the immediate aftermath of the accident.  However, as the fluid leaks out there is less padding and ultimately the bones start to painfully rub against one another.

We often suggest anyone involved in a car accident should see a physician for a thorough medical exam within 24 to 48 hours of the incident.  While neck and back injuries are common in auto accidents many back injuries are not immediately apparent.  The failure to see a doctor can limit your ability to seek the fair and just compensation you would otherwise be entitled to receive.

If you have been involved in a car accident see a doctor and contact the experienced accident and injury attorneys at HLH or call (502) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  It is better to be safe than sorry.