Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Protecting Motorcyclists Who Suffer Injuries in an Accident

It may surprise you to learn how hard HLH attorneys must work when protecting motorcyclists who suffer injuries in an accident.  Riding a motorcycle in Kentucky offers a lot of enjoyment.  Our beautiful countryside attracts many motorcyclists.  Motorcycles are an economical form of transportation, and many people simply enjoy the ride.

Unfortunately, an accident resulting in injuries to a motorcyclist and their passenger raises medical and legal issues.

Generally speaking, many studies have shown juries often internally perceive motorcyclists to be overly aggressive risk takers.  They’ve personally witnessed may reckless actions taken by other motorcyclists with whom they share the road.  They might assume every motorcyclist is consistently speeding and acting in a reckless fashion.  Unfortunately, juries tend to apply these prejudices against an injured motorcyclist and insurance companies often put up more of a fight in injury cases associated with a motorcycle accident.

Protecting motorcyclists who suffer injuries in an accident begins with a thorough investigation of the accident itself as well as the physical evidence and witness testimony.  The experienced motorcycle accident and injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC or HLH each have decades of experience in these cases.  We aggressively fight for our clients to hold those who are responsible financially accountable for what has happened.

HLH has the legal skill, experience and resources to stand up to the insurance companies and achieve the best possible outcome for our injured clients.  Insurance companies know of our extensive successful track record at trial and that we prepare every case as if it is going to trial.  They know we will put the case of an injured motorcyclist and/or his passenger before a jury to ensure our clients receive the best possible outcome in their case.

Protecting motorcyclists who suffer injuries in an accident requires extensive legal skill, experience and trial expertise.  We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.