Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Summer Heat and Humidity Can Increase the Risk of a Car Accident

Louisville’s summer heat and humidity can increase the risk of a car accident.  A recent study in “Environmental Health Perspectives” shows the high temperatures and high humidity of a Kentucky summer can decrease a person’s ability to handle intellectual and physical tasks such as driving.  The study noted almost an 8% increase in car accidents when temperatures increase.  The primary causes of these accidents were fatigue and sleepiness and distracted driving.  It is important to pay a little extra attention to hydration and rest if you are driving in the summer heat.

If you are planning to be in the car for more than an hour it is important to make sure you have consumed more water in the hours before you drive.  Instinctively, a person might actually attempt to decrease their fluid intake so they don’t have to stop as often for a rest room break.

Low water intake during a hot summer day is known to lead to fatigue, headache and in some cases dizziness.  This reduces your ability to concentrate on the road resulting in an increased risk of injuries in a car accident.

Studies suggest lowering your caffeine intake and choosing foods with higher water content such as fruits.  If you start to sense the onset of fatigue such as yawning, drowsiness or a lack of focus stop for some water and allow the air conditioning to cool your body.

Now that you know Louisville’s summer heat and humidity can increase the risk of a car accident you can take steps to ensure you remain cool and are properly hydrated, avoiding a car accident which could result in serious injury

If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident resulting in injury we invite you to review our client’s recommendations and contact HLH or call (502) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  Summer is an opportunity for fun and long drives.  Preparation and hydration can help you to enjoy it while keeping the risks of an injury accident at their lowest.