Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

What Happens When You Suffer Serious Injuries in a Louisville Car Accident?

What happens when you suffer serious injuries in a Louisville car accident due to another driver’s negligence?  What challenges will you face on the road ahead and how can the experienced and highly recommended personal injury attorneys at HLH make a significant difference in your case?  There are many important things to consider as you begin recovery:

The Insurance Company Is Not Interested in Your Best Interests

Insurance adjusters are very friendly.  They are also highly skilled, trained negotiators who have one goal, and one goal only: convince you to accept the lowest possible settlement in your case.  Recent studies within the insurance industry itself have shown more than 80% of injury settlements were paid to those who were represented by attorneys.  These studies also showed those who were represented by an attorney averaged 40% more than those who did not have an attorney.  HLH attorneys work to ensure you receive full and fair compensation for your serious personal injury claim.

It Will Take Some Time To Fully Understand and Quantify Your Injury Claim

When you suffer serious injuries in a Louisville car accident it can take several weeks or months to fully understand the extent of your injuries, the costs associated with your treatment, other expenses such as lost wages and the impact your injuries will have upon your life going forward.  The insurance company will want you to settle quickly and this is simply not in your best interest.

You Do Not Have to Speak with an Insurance Adjuster

You do not have to speak with an insurance adjuster regarding your car accident before calling HLH to speak personally with one of our experienced Louisville injury attorneys.  It is important to seek our advice and counsel prior to communicating with insurance representatives.  The adjuster will attempt to draw you in with questions such as “can you simply tell me in your own words what happened?” and “We need access to your medical records and bills to make sure they are reimbursed.”  Both of these approaches are designed to get you to divulge information about the car accident and your injuries which is not in your personal interests.  It is important not to make any statements or sign any insurance related paperwork without the insight and protection of our legal counsel.

If you or a loved one suffer serious injuries in a Louisville car accident we invite you to review the recommendations of the legal industry and former clients and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our experienced attorneys for a free consultation.  Learn more about the process of successfully seeking compensation for your injuries and how to protect your personal rights and financial interests.