Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

The Impact of a Brain Injury From a Motor Vehicle Accident

Many people are not aware of the impact of a brain injury from a motor vehicle accident or the number of these injuries which occur every year in the United States.  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released a study which estimates 1.7 million people suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI each year.

TBI includes a wide range of injury from a mild concussion to serious closed head injuries which result in long-term consequences for the victims of a motor vehicle accident.  TBI occurs when the forces associated with a car accident, truck collision or motorcycle crash result in a blow to the head or violent jolt during the moment of impact.  TBI may also be the result of a skull fracture or when a foreign body penetrates the brain.

HLH attorneys have always had a special interest in reducing the impact of a brain injury from a motor vehicle accident.  One of our HLH partners is a member of the Brain Injury Foundation, a non-profit organization of doctors, lawyers and other professionals who work together to learn more about TBI or MTBI and how to improve the life of someone who suffers a brain injury.

While we are encouraged by recent advancements in testing which can help to identify and quantify TBI after an accident, there is still a lot of work to be done.  In some cases, TBI may result in subtle symptoms which can take weeks or months for family and close friends to identify.  TBI victims may experience changes in their ability to handle complex tasks, interruptions or even a simple trip to the grocery store.  The family may notice changes in personality soon after a car accident even though a brain injury was never suspected or diagnosed.

The consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury may be more serious and may result in permanent physical, cognitive and emotional challenges which may last for the rest of an accident victim’s life.

This is why it is so important to seek a thorough medical examination within 24 to 48 hours of every motor vehicle accident and contact HLH immediately thereafter.  You can call (866) 583-9701 and speak personally with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys for a free consultation.  We know the presentation of symptoms and full diagnosis of injuries after a motor vehicle accident may take weeks or months.  We help you to know what to expect and work to ensure you receive full and fair compensation for the injuries you have been forced to endure.