Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Recovering From Injuries to the Neck and Back in a Car Accident

Recovering from injuries to the neck and back in a car accident is a longer journey than many accident victims realize.  Injuries involving the brain or spinal cord can take many months or longer to heal and often result in lasting symptoms and complications.

The Mayo Clinic classifies spinal cord injuries as “complete” or “incomplete.”  Complete spinal cord injuries result in loss of feeling, motor function or other sensation below the point of the break or injury.  Incomplete spinal cord injuries have a much broader range of symptoms and prognosis.  In some cases it is possible to restore sensation or movement in affected areas.  In other cases, an incomplete spinal cord injury can still result in permanent loss of a range of motion or nerve damage.

It is important to understand the long term prognosis prior to the settlement of any injuries to the neck and back in a car accident.  The experienced personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC seek full and fair compensation for each of our personal injury clients.

Any settlement must reflect not only the medical bills and qualifying expenses associated with the treatment of the injuries themselves, but must include consideration for future care, physical therapy, medical treatment and modifications to your home and vehicles.  It should also provide compensation for limitations or difficulty associated with movement as well as the daily pain, tingling and burning associated with nerve damage, arthritis and other post-injury ailments.

Suffering injuries to the neck and back in a car accident requires most patients to adjust their lifestyle moving forward.  HLH attorneys aggressively pursue all sources of recovery to provide our clients with the maximum resources possible to recover from what has happened and move forward with their lives.  If you or someone you love has been injured in a Louisville car accident we invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation with one of our experienced, proven personal injury attorneys.