Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Are Trucking Companies Liable for Accidents Involving Their Drivers?

Are trucking companies liable for accidents involving their drivers?  The simple answer is yes, and the experienced truck accident attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH) will name all parties who share liabilities associated with the accident to ensure our clients receive the full and fair settlement or verdict they deserve.

Employers are responsible for the actions of their employees within the scope of their employment.  This is true when an employee is performing work under the control and direction of the employer, and the employee is performing the normal duties associated with their employment.

This is important due to the nature of the injuries or loss of life associated with a commercial truck accident and the actual amount of insurance carried by many truck drivers themselves.  Truck collisions usually result in serious injuries for the occupants of other vehicles.  Unfortunately, these collisions also often result in loss of life which lead to wrongful death actions on behalf of the surviving family.

Many of our clients are surprised by the low amount of insurance the actual driver may carry when compared to the medical bills and other costs associated with the catastrophic injuries and wrongful death claims.  This is why it is important to name all other parties who might share in the liability in any resulting injury claim or wrongful death lawsuit.  The combined insurance and resources of all accountable parties ensures our clients receive the full and fair compensation they are entitled to by law.

The experienced truck accident and injury attorneys at HLH hold trucking companies liable for accidents involving their drivers to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.  Every accident is unique and highly dependent upon the facts and documentation associated with the collision and the responsible parties.  It is important to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation as soon as possible after any accident.  Our skilled attorneys hold trucking companies liable for accidents involving their drivers and work to collect and preserve crucial evidence before it is lost and witness statements while memories are fresh.