Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

The Importance of UM/UIM Insurance in Hit and Run Injury Cases

What is the importance of UM/UIM insurance in hit and run injury cases?  Are you aware of the benefit and value of your own Uninsured Motorist/UnderInsured Motorist insurance and why it is so important to maximize this coverage on your own auto insurance policy?

UM/UIM is exactly what it sounds like on the surface – it helps to make up for the difference between the financial damages you are forced to endure when you are injured in a car accident or motor vehicle collisions and the poor or non-existent coverage of the driver who is responsible for your accident.

One immediate thing to consider – the Kentucky state minimum auto insurance requirements only provide $10,000 for property damage, and $25,000 for injuries per person, $50,000 total bodily injury for all persons per accident.  The value of most cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and other vehicles on Louisville roads far exceeds the $10,000 property damage of the state minimum coverage.

After decades of experience as personal injury attorneys here in Louisville, we can tell you $25,000 will barely cover the medical expenses associated with minor injuries.  It will not begin to cover your medical bills, lost wages and other expenses in most injury related accidents.

However, it is not possible to understate the importance of UM/UIM insurance in hit and run injury cases.  If a driver (such as a drunk driver) leaves the scene of an injury accident and cannot be identified by police, who pays for your injuries and all associated expenses?  It is the UM/UIM coverage of your own auto insurance policy which will come to the rescue and provide desperately needed coverage in hit and run injury cases.  This is even true if you are a pedestrian or riding a bicycle at the time of the injury accident.

This is the importance of UM/UIM insurance in hit and run injury cases and how it can help when a negligent driver is uninsured or underinsured.  Unfortunately, the biggest surprise many of our own clients have expressed is their disappointment and resentment about how they were treated by their own insurance company after suffering injuries, which required a UM/UIM claim.

This is why it is important to contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at HLH immediately after any accident.  Our proven lawyers have decades of experience and aggressively hold all parties and sources of potential financial recovery accountable for what has happened to our clients.  We seek full and fair compensation and hold them accountable to the coverages in their policies – coverages our clients have been paying for on their own auto policies for many years in most cases.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a car, truck or motor vehicle or hit and run accident in Louisville or anywhere in Kentucky we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact us or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  There is no cost to you out of pocket as we work on a contingency fee basis.