Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Broken Bones and Fractures From a Car Accident May Require Hardware and Surgery

Broken bones are some of the most common injuries in a Louisville car accident.  Some broken bones are relatively minor, while other injuries are much more severe.  Broken bones and fractures from a car accident may require hardware and surgery to ensure the bones properly heal and to preserve full functionality after treatment.

It is quite natural for the occupants of a car to brace for impending impact with their arms or legs.  However, this natural reaction often results in serious bone fractures which can require extensive surgery to repair, months of physical therapy and in many cases the early onset of associated arthritis.  The goal of the medical professional is to repair a broken bone or fracture and to ensure it has the best opportunity to completely heal.

In many cases, surgeons will implement hardware surrounding the bone to hold it in place and support the fracture throughout the healing process.  The hardware and the screws which hold it in place must be removed in a future surgery after healing is virtually completed.  These injuries can be incredibly painful and result in recovery periods of weeks or even months.

Broken bones and fractures from a car accident may require hardware and surgery resulting in substantial medical bills and a long recovery.  Who will pay for all of your medical expenses?  Who will recover all of the wages you lost from missing work and ensure you are fully compensation for having to suffer through the injury itself as well as the long recovery?  The experienced injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH) each have decades of experience in these cases.  Our extensive trial experience adds a substantial amount of power to your side of the case.  Insurance companies know we are willing and able to put your case before a jury if necessary to ensure you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve.

If you have suffered broken bones or fractures in a car accident we invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our attorneys personally for a free consultation.  Learn how the process of an injury claim works and how we will work aggressively to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.  There is no cost to you before the case is settled as we work on a contingency fee basis.