Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

What Constitutes Elder Abuse or Neglect in Kentucky?

What constitutes elder abuse or neglect in Kentucky when a loved one is in the care of a nursing home or assisted care facility?  Kentucky law and federal statutes require these healthcare providers and facilities to maintain a high standard of care for our seniors.  Unfortunately, it is quite common for nursing homes and retirement communities to be understaffed, or to lack a sufficient number of medical professionals based upon patient populations.

The additional lack of training and supervision combined with the high patient load is often an ingredient in Kentucky nursing home or assisted care related personal injury cases.  However, nursing homes and healthcare facilities and their employees can be held responsible and ultimately financially accountable for injury or the neglect of our loved ones.

What constitutes elder abuse or neglect in Kentucky nursing homes?  While neglect or abuse covers a broad range of scenarios there are several more common elements to watch for including but not limited to:

If you are concerned about elder abuse or neglect in Kentucky nursing homes contact the experienced injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH).  We have served Louisville injury victims and their families since 1924.  You will need to work with one of our experienced trial attorneys to ensure the best possible outcome in your loved one’s case.

An elder abuse, neglect or injury claim requires substantial evidence and proof of fault, negligence or failure to meet the standards of care under Kentucky or federal law.  Our proven trial attorneys have the legal skill, experience and resources to build a successful case and hold those responsible financially accountable.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients as well as the legal industry and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with us personally for a free consultation.

Most people aren’t sure what constitutes elder abuse or neglect in Kentucky.  We entrust our elders to the care of professionals who should protect their well being, health and safety.  When abuse, neglect or injury occurs, the personal injury attorneys at HLH will represent your loved one and work to achieve a full and fair outcome in their case.