Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Can a Personal Injury Settlement Be Reopened in the Future

If there are additional injuries, symptoms or expenses after coming to terms with an insurance company can a personal injury settlement be reopened in the future?  It is important to fully understand every issue surrounding your injuries after a motor vehicle accident or other injury due to the negligence of another person.  Once you have signed an insurance release Kentucky courts will almost never review the case or settlement.

Many injury victims don’t understand the nature of their injuries and the costs and consequences of their injuries in the months and years to come.  The only job an insurance adjuster has is to get you to accept the absolutely lowest possible amount to settle your personal injury claim.  They work to attempt to quickly gain your trust.  Insurance adjusters know from historical data that the faster they can get you to settle your claim the less their employer will have to pay.  The less you know the better (in their mind).

The experienced personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH) believe you should know the answer to the question “Can a personal injury settlement be reopened in the future?” and be fully informed before settling your claim or seeking a personal injury verdict at trial.  It is important to understand you only have one chance to resolve your case.  The amount provided must consider all past, present and future medical expenses as well as compensation for lost wages, physical therapy, modifications to your work place or home, as well as full and fair compensation for having to endure the pain and suffering associated with your injuries and recovery.

Many people involved in a Louisville car accident don’t realize it can take weeks or even months for symptoms of injury to present.  Injury victims don’t usually realize their settlement must include all actual and potential costs.  They may not consider future risks such as chronic pain or arthritis associated with their injuries.  This is why it is so important to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our experienced attorneys personally for a free consultation before you consider signing any insurance offer or release.