Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Common Sources of Injury on a Construction Site

What are some of the common sources of injury on a construction site in Louisville and throughout Kentucky?  Those who work in construction understand the risks and dangers associated with construction sites.  The risks are present whether you are developing a new area, building a new structure or demolishing an old one.

Project owners and managers as well as general contractors and sub-contractors must practice safety-first to ensure workers and employees take appropriate steps to prevent construction related accidents.  Still, the risk of injury and occasionally the loss of a life are present in all construction work.  Common sources of injury on a construction site include, but are not limited to:

You may understand that common sources of injury on a construction site will result in a workers compensation claim.  However, you may not realize that, in many cases, your injuries are due to the negligence of another party or company on the job site resulting in a third party personal injury claim.  Third party injury claims are much different than workers compensation.  They provide for the recovery of past, present and future medical expenses as well as time missed at work and all of the pain and suffering associated with your injuries and recovering from them.

If you or someone you love have been injured on a construction site you may be wondering if you have a case.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak personally with one of our experienced attorneys for a free consultation.  We can answer all your questions and help to determine the best course of action based upon your injuries and those responsible.