Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Out of Town Visitors Pose Additional Risk for Car Accidents in Louisville This Coming Week

Out of town visitors pose additional risk for car accidents in Louisville this coming week.  Derby week is very important to Louisville and brings an incredible amount of attention and visitors to our beautiful city.  However, it also presents a few additional risks for those of us who live and work here.

It is obvious that a visitor to Louisville is probably not familiar with the area, our roads and the location of attractions and restaurants.  Most people coming to Louisville for Derby week are simply looking to enjoy a great time as spring literally unfolds in the color and pageantry of the Derby and the events which surround it.  Unfortunately, this also often includes substantial consumption of alcohol and a significant increase in local traffic.

Out of town visitors pose additional risk for car accidents in Louisville this week as they unexpectedly change lanes at the last minute as they approach a venue or simply slow down to see where they are.  Many drivers with whom we share the road this week will be distracted by their cell phones as they look away from the road at map related apps in order to find their way.  When you factor in the likelihood of an increased number of impaired drivers the risk for serious injury from a car accident in Louisville this week is not that hard to imagine.

What should you do to protect yourself while enjoying this amazing time of year?  Always designate a sober driver.  If you and your friends are out having a great time consider a ride sharing service to avoid driving under the influence.  Consider giving other motorists a little more understanding this week as they operate their cars in a questionable manner.  They’re probably looking for their next stop and not as aware of you as they should be.

If you are injured in a car accident in Louisville during Derby week we invite you to contact the most established personal injury firm in all of Louisville.  Established in 1924, HLH has represented injury victims and the families of those lost in fatal accidents for almost a century.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact us or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.

We hope you enjoy Derby week in Louisville.