Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Dehydration is a Common Sign of Abuse and Neglect in a Nursing Home

Patient or resident dehydration is a common sign of abuse and neglect in a nursing home.  Dehydration is simply an excessive loss of water in the body.  Generally, itr occurs due to inadequate care.  This condition affects every one of the body’s major organs and systems, and can actually become life threatening.  Dehydration is one of the most common forms of abuse and neglect in nursing homes and assisted care facilities in Kentucky.  Dehydration as a result of neglect is actionable under the Kentucky Patient Bill of Rights.  What are some of the symptoms that might suggest your loved one is consistently not receiving enough water?

Some symptoms of dehydration are quite obvious such as when the patient consistently complains of a dry mouth, a sensation of thirst and has reduced urinary output.  Dehydration can also be recognized by:

If dehydration is due to patient neglect, it is very likely that the patient is also not receiving proper care, such as enough food, water and, potentially, medication.  Malnutrition and dehydration are a deadly combination, and can lead to serious complications.  Seizures that involve muscles cramping and unconsciousness can seriously impact the health of your loved one.  Eventually the kidneys may begin to fail and toxic wastes cannot be removed from the patient’s blood.

At HLH we have decades of experience in personal injury and elder abuse cases.   We can tell you that under-staffing is a common problem facing many nursing home and assisted care facilities here in Louisville and across the State of Kentucky.  There should be logs of care that regularly document patient care – ask to see them.

If there have been other changes in routine, such as a recent increase in sedative medications this may be a harsh warning sign.  Patients are often over-medicated to make the patients more compliant and less able to demand care and stand up for themselves.  The lack of care and dehydration in a nursing home is abuse and you need to protect your loved one.

Patient or resident dehydration is a common sign of abuse and neglect in a nursing home.  If you are concerned about the treatment, abuse or neglect of a loved one in Louisville or anywhere across Kentucky we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact Hargadon Lenihan & Herrington or call and speak with an experienced Louisville injury attorney for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701.