Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Suggestions for Handling Your First Contact With an Insurance Adjuster

There are many misconceptions about what happens after a motor vehicle accident and how an injury victim recovers for their expenses and other compensation.  Here are a few suggestions for handling your first contact with an insurance adjuster.

Adjusters are highly trained and skilled insurance company representatives.  They are charged with one goal by their employers: settle your injury claim for the lowest possible amount.  They are usually highly personable and their job is to get you to settle your injury claim as soon as possible while preserving every cent of profit possible for their employer – the insurance company.

The first suggestion is to be very careful about what you say to any insurance company representative.  It is important not to discuss the extent of your injuries or how you are feeling.  They are often attempting to get you to make statements which they will use against you later.

They will often ask you to tell “in your own words” what happened and tell them about the accident “in your own words.”  It is very important not to provide any statements as they may conflict with what you learn down the road.  Simply decline to make any statement or tell them your side of the accident.  This is not in your interest.

They may pressure you to make a quick decision.  This is also against your best interests.  They may also ask you to sign a medical release form in order to “verify” your injuries.  It is extremely important not to sign anything without having it reviewed by an experienced personal injury attorney.

In addition to these suggestions for handling your first contact with an insurance adjuster you also need to know there is only one settlement in a personal injury case.  You will not be reimbursed for expenses as you go and what you recover from the insurance company can and will be of interest to those you owe for medical treatment and other expenses. This settlement must cover every past, present and future expense related to your injuries including all medical expenses, lost wages and compensation for being forced to endure injury and recovery.

Remember, when you are handling your first contact with an insurance adjuster they are absolutely your adversary.  Take your time.  There is no hurry to speak with them or answer their questions.  It will take some time for all symptoms associated with your injuries to fully present.  It will take even more time for the doctors in your case to definitively tell you the extent of your injuries and what you are facing in the long term.

The experienced accident and injury attorneys at HLH have served Louisville and Kentucky injury victims since 1924.  Please review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact HLH or call (502) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  There is no cost to you out of pocket as we work on a contingency fee basis.