Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

A Fall Resulting in an Injury at a Nursing Home

A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) noted the high risks of a fall resulting in an injury at a nursing home or skilled nursing facility.  This study noted an average of 2 to 3 falls each year for each bed in these facilities.  Head injuries including Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI are the most common and serious injuries which result from a fall.  Head injury is also the leading cause of accidental death or wrongful death in nursing homes across the nation.

The study further noted that 27% of the falls in nursing homes were due to “environmental hazards.”  These include but are not limited to poor lighting, improper bed height, poorly maintained wheelchairs and wet floors.

According to the recent Nursing Home Data Compendium released by the Department of Health and Human Services Kentucky has almost 300 nursing homes across the state.  The study noted more than 10 percent of these facilities had received a citation for health deficiency for actual harm/immediate jeopardy and nearly 5 percent had been cited for substandard quality of care.

The study reviewed a five year period and analyzed the rate of improvement in nursing homes across that time on a state-by-state basis.  The national average showed a 16.5% drop in nursing homes who received a citation for health deficiency for actual harm/immediate jeopardy.  Here in Kentucky there was a tiny 0.8% drop, showing a lack of progress in making nursing homes safer for the patients in their care.

The results of these studies help to demonstrate the risks of a fall resulting in an injury at a nursing home here in Louisville and across the State of Kentucky.  Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC has represented those who are injured and the families of wrongful death victims since 1924.  If you or someone you love has suffered a fall resulting in an injury at a Kentucky or Louisville nursing home we invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our experienced injury attorneys for a free consultation.