Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Some of the Biggest Mistakes You Can Make After a Louisville Car Accident

What are some of the biggest mistakes you can make after a Louisville car accident?  The personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC have served the people of Louisville and all of Kentucky since 1924.  As experienced injury attorneys representing those who are the victims of a Louisville car accident we can share some of the biggest mistakes you can make after a collision in your car:

  1. Assuming you are uninjured – Once the vehicles come to a stop it is normal to give yourself a quick once-over to see if you are injured. It is also natural to hope for the best and assume you have no injuries.  You step out of the vehicle, thankful you do not have obvious, serious injuries.  Unfortunately, the forces your body experiences in the course of a motor vehicle accident can result in injuries which might take weeks or even months to present symptoms.  Don’t assume you are uninjured just because there is no obvious trauma.
  2. Failing to seek a thorough medical examination – You should visit the ER, urgent care or your own primary physician for a comprehensive exam. This is the only way to make sure there aren’t hidden injuries you may not yet be aware of.  In addition, if you fail to see a doctor within 48 hours of the accident you significantly and negatively impact your ability to seek compensation for anything which arises down the road.
  3. Telling everyone you’re “OK,” especially on social media – It is also quite natural to reassure family, friends and co-workers you are OK after an accident. However, these statements can and will be used against you in any subsequent injury related claim.  The insurance company will assert “You told everyone – friends, family, co-workers that you were OK, and now you want to tell us you were injured?” If you post about the accident, try to resist the urge to say you’re “OK.”  Perhaps, something like “shaken up, but no visible serious injuries.”
  4. Making any voluntary disclosures or statements to an insurance representative before seeking legal advice – insurance adjusters will attempt to contact you immediately after an accident asking you seemingly innocent questions about how you feel or asking you to say “in your own words” what happened. This is not in your best interests and can reduce or eliminate your ability to submit a successful injury claim.

These are a few of the biggest mistakes you can make after a Louisville car accident and why you will need advice and counsel.  If you have been involved in a car accident caused by another driver, even as a passenger, seek a thorough medical examination and contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation prior to speaking with anyone regarding the accident.