Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Where Do Most Pedestrian Injury Accidents Occur

Kentucky State Police have noticed a significant increase in the number of pedestrian injuries over the past few years.  Why are these numbers increasing and where do most pedestrian injury accidents occur?

Pedestrian accidents can happen in many places, from the sidewalk along a busy street to the parking lot of a grocery store.  Pedestrian accident statistics include those who are injured while riding their bicycles in Louisville or across Kentucky.

According to our State Police accident and injury data, these accidents usually happen when pedestrians are not actually in a crosswalk.  You may think most injured pedestrians are simply jaywalking, coming out from between parked cars to dart across the road.  While a few Louisville pedestrian injury accidents occur in this manner, most are actually the result of a distracted driver and occur in common places such as parking lots, commercial drive ways and at intersections.

The challenge requires each side of the equation to pay closer attention.  Many pedestrians are consulting their cell phone for directions or texting when they inadvertently step into the path of an oncoming vehicle.  Drivers, also, may be distracted.  The holiday season is filled with distraction and the hustle and bustle of increased shopping and errands.

Drivers and pedestrians alike have a lot on their mind and simply walking back to your car in the parking lot at the store or legally crossing the street without observing approaching traffic can quickly result in a pedestrian accident resulting in serious injuries.

Why are pedestrian injury numbers increasing and where do most pedestrian injury accidents occur?  More people are out and about, and almost all pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers are distracted by music, cell phone use or simply the “to-do list” in their own thoughts.

Lets reduce the number of pedestrian injuries and accidents this holiday season.  Take a moment when you are leaving a store to gather your thoughts and take an extra look before crossing the parking lot to your car.  As a driver, we should silence our cell phones and place them out of reach.  Slow down while approaching an intersection to avoid casually rolling into the crosswalk where a pedestrian may unexpectedly step into the path of your vehicle.