Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

What is a Third Party Injury Claim in Kentucky?

What is a third party injury claim in Kentucky?  Why is it important to speak with the experienced personal injury attorneys at HLH if you have been injured in a construction accident, or while using a product or tool at work?   Most people know about Kentucky workers compensation if they are injured on the job.  HLH attorneys work with injured clients to ensure their workers compensation claims are properly formatted, documented and timely submitted to maximize workers compensation benefits.

However, there are often other sources of recovery for injuries you have received at work.  If a “third party” contributed to your work injury in any way you may also recover financial expenses and damages through a third party injury claim in Kentucky.  One common example occurs if you drive as a part of your daily work.  Are you a delivery person? Are you required to make trips to suppliers to pick up parts or other supplies?  Are you a sales person who makes outside sales calls or a home health care professional?

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident while driving as part of your job you can file a third party lawsuit against any negligent party.  You could still collect the Kentucky workers compensation you are entitled to and recover additional compensation not covered by workers comp such as excess lost wages, the damage to your vehicle and full and fair compensation for having to endure your painful injuries and the suffering associated with recovery.

If you are injured while using a tool, product or machine at work there may be a third party injury claim in Kentucky.  Defective product claims are generally based upon defects in their design or manufacture, or the failure to provide adequate warnings or instruction on the appropriate and proper use of the product, tool or machine.

Injuries on a construction site are often the fault of another contractor on the job site.  There are several third party injury claims which come out of these types of injuries including a lawsuit for failure to maintain a safe environment, safety violations or the liability of other parties for expenses associated with your injuries which are not covered as part of workers compensation.

We are often asked “What is a third party injury claim in Kentucky?” and “do I have a case?”  If you are injured at work we invite you to contact the experienced work injury attorneys at HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  Learn how we can help you with completion and submission of your workers compensation forms while pursuing a valid third party injury claim in Kentucky against others who contributed to your injuries.