Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Why is the Insurance Adjuster Asking So Many Questions About My Injuries

If you are wondering “why is the insurance adjuster asking so many questions about my injuries?” you are right to be concerned.  If you have been injured in a car accident or motor vehicle collision or on the job due to the negligence of another party you should contact HLH to discuss a personal injury claim.

Call for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701 to speak with one of our experienced attorneys personally.  There are many things you need to know to protect your interests and ensure you receive a full and fair injury settlement or verdict.  Our personal injury attorneys each have decades of experience and provide sound counsel and advice for those who have been injured.

You will be contacted by the insurance adjuster for the responsible party or parties, or even your company.  The insurance adjuster is paid to do one thing: get you to accept the lowest possible amount (or no injury settlement at all).  The insurance adjuster is usually a very friendly and warm individual who seems to ask simple questions.  Make no mistake, these adjusters are highly trained and skilled interviewers who are attempting to gain information which they will use against you down the road.  A simple “I feel ok” can actually reduce the amount you recover for your injuries down the road.

There is an important fact you need to know:  You do not even have to speak to an insurance adjuster.  HLH contacts insurance adjusters on behalf of our clients to ensure all communications are in the best interests of our clients, and to establish the groundwork for the best possible outcome in your case.  You should never provide access to your medical bills or answer questions about the extent of your injuries or even how the accident happened.  If you speak to the adjuster personally the best answer is “Thanks for the call, I’ll have my attorney reach out to you.  Good bye.”

We hope you know a bit more about “why is the insurance adjuster asking so many questions about my injuries?”  If you have been injured due to the negligence of another party isn’t it important to learn all you can about how to ensure the best possible outcome in your case?  It costs injured Kentuckians a lot when they attempt to settle a personal injury claim without an attorney.  It doesn’t cost you anything to contact us or speak with an HLH personal injury attorney for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701.  We are here to protect your best interests.