Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

How Social Media Can Damage Your Valid Personal Injury Claim

Many of those who are injured in a Louisville motor vehicle accident have no idea how social media can damage your valid personal injury claim.  It is quite natural for us to post events and news in our lives to social media.  This does not apply to any information about your accident, your injuries or any other assumptions or perspectives you might have about the accident and it’s cause(s).

Social media posts can be used as evidence against you to diminish or outright reject your personal injury claim.  For example, an insurance adjuster can raise facts from your posts on any platform to present as evidence that you were “uninjured” or that you told your family, friends, co-workers and everyone in the world you were “fine” after the accident.  “Now you want to tell us you have suffered injuries?”

Even if you post about how well you are feeling on a given day, or some activity you were able to enjoy the legal team of the insurance company can use this against you to say “see, this person was out enjoying their day, no crutches in the pictures and no mention of pain or suffering.”

You must absolutely avoid any type of apology or acknowledgement that you contributed to the cause of the accident.  Even the sentiment of “I’m so sad to see the injuries suffered by the other driver” could be twisted into an accusation of admission of guilt.

This also applies to photos and updates posted by you or your friends and family.  Those close to you also have no idea how social media can damage your valid personal injury claim.

The best policy is to avoid any and all references to the accident itself and instruct your family and friends to avoid the topic on social media for your own best interests.  If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident anywhere in the Louisville area or across Kentucky you need sound advice and counsel.  We invite you to contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation and learn how we can help to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case.