As long as you carry auto insurance, you do not have to worry about paying medical costs out of pocket. You can focus on getting the treatment you need.
How Much Are You Entitled To?
The amount of PIP coverage is generally capped at $10,000 for medical expenses and lost wages. Benefits for lost wages are paid on a weekly basis, usually in the amount of $200 per week. Individuals can purchase additional no-fault coverage (called reparation benefits) to increase their coverage for both medical expenses and lost wages.
To obtain medical coverage, you must demonstrate that the expenses are reasonable and necessary as a result of the accident.
Maximizing Your Coverage
Obtaining PIP insurance coverage is not always straightforward, particularly if you have other sources of coverage such as workers’ compensation, disability or health insurance. Navigating the interplay between these various benefits requires a strategic approach based on experienced legal guidance to maximize the amount of benefits you can claim.
At Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC, we understand the intricacies of insurance coverage issues. We can help you obtain the recovery you need, for both your immediate needs and those that may arise down the road. With more than 100 years of combined experience,our attorneys use cutting-edge tools and proven techniques to present compelling cases for our clients.
Contact Our Lawyers In Louisville, Kentucky
Call (502) 583-9701 or (866) 583-9701 to arrange a FREE initial consultation. Evening, weekend and off-site appointments are available, and our phones are answered 24/7. Your may also contact us online.
Our Louisville lawyers handle no-fault insurance issues and other personal injury matters on a contingency fee basis, which means you can obtain exceptional representation from a legal team with a proven track record for no additional cost.
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