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An Injury Claim for Broken Ribs in a Car Accident

An injury claim for broken ribs in a car accident must take many factors into account.  The attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC have represented accident and injury victims in Louisville and across Kentucky since 1924.  We can tell you, first hand, there is more than what meets the eye to successfully completing an injury claim for broken ribs in a car accident.

It takes a substantial period of time before our attorneys can establish the appropriate compensation which should result from broken ribs in a Louisville car accident.  One of the challenges in these cases is the false presumption of an insurance adjuster that the value of a claim is established by the extent of the medical bills.

Some cases involving broken ribs may not require extensive medical treatment (or bills) as one of the primary recipes for recovery is extensive rest and ice packs.  However, the pain of the injury itself and recovery from broken ribs is terrible.  Our clients have expressed the agony of simply breathing, let alone attempting to move, work, dress, cough or laugh.  Broken ribs usually cause the accident victim to miss work resulting in lost wages.

Our attorneys cut through the flimsy strategies of the insurance company to ensure our clients receive full and fair compensation for all that has happened as well as the past, present and future challenges and expenses they are forced to endure.  We prepare each case for trial even though most cases actually settle before that point.  We seek maximum compensation for our clients which reflects not only the actual medical expenses but all other forms of recompense provided for under Kentucky law.

We invite you to read our clients reviews and the strong recommendations of the legal industry and contact HLH or call to speak with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701.  Ask how HLH will make a difference in your injury claim for broken ribs in a car accident.

Contact Us

Louisville’s Most Established PI Firm

Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

231 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40207
Telephone: (502) 583-9701
Toll-Free: (866) 583-9701
Fax: 502-589-1144
Louisville Law Office Map

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