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Avoiding a Louisville Motorcycle Accident and Injuries

What are some first hand tips for avoiding a Louisville motorcycle accident and injuries?  A motorcycle is no match for a car or truck, pound for pound, and its driver and passenger are not well protected in an impact.  Motorcycle riders inherently understand the risks and danger of traffic and sharing the road with other … Continued

Why are Automobile Accidents in Elizabethtown Resulting in Injury Increasing

The number of automobile accidents in Elizabethtown resulting in injury or fatality are increasing.  Why are the number of injury related car accidents in Elizabethtown and Hardin County increasing?  In the most recent statistics provided by the Kentucky State Police the number of fatal accidents increased almost 30% and the number of non-fatal serious injury … Continued

Injured on a Motorcycle When a Car Changed Lanes or Pulled Out Without Looking

Were you a motorcyclist or a passenger injured on a motorcycle when a car changed lanes or pulled out in front of you without looking?  Unfortunately this happens in Louisville and throughout Kentucky far too often.  Motorcyclists are at a significant disadvantage when they are struck by a car or truck resulting in an injury … Continued

What is No Fault Insurance in Kentucky?

Kentucky is a “no-fault” state, meaning there are state law mandated limitations on an individual’s right to sue and be sued if they suffer injuries from a Louisville car accident or injury in a motor vehicle in Kentucky.  What is no fault insurance in Kentucky, and what do I need to know if I’m injured … Continued

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Louisville’s Most Established PI Firm

Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

231 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40207
Telephone: (502) 583-9701
Toll-Free: (866) 583-9701
Fax: 502-589-1144
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